Strona główna Działy Finanse Pension Scheme Pension Scheme


jeszcze troche poszukalam w googlach i znalazlam cos ciekawego:
1 awans
2009-05-01 14:49:09 | 94.192.217.* | braca
praca w Anglii- emerytura w Polsce [22]
Od ponad 2 lat pracuje w Anglii i place tu skladki na emeryture (
pension scheme). Zastanawiam sie czy to ma sens?
Zadalam pytanie ludziom od pension scheme tutaj- co sie stanie z
pieniedzmi ktore tu odprowadzam w sytuacji gdy zdecyduje sie na
powrot do Polski. Oto odpowiedz:

"I can confirm that your options on leaving the scheme would either
be to leave your benefits deferred within the scheme, or to look at
a possible transfer to another registered pension arrangement.

If your benefits are deferred within the scheme they will be
increased each year to keep up with inflation, up to a maximum of 5%
per annum, and will become payable at age 65 (or from age 60 if you
had 5 or more years service in the scheme). It is usually possible
for us to pay pensions into a foreign bank account, so it should not
present any problem if you did return to Poland.

In order to transfer to a scheme outside the UK, the receiving
scheme would need to be registered with HM Revenue and Customs here
in the UK as a "Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme"
(QROPS). I’ve just had a look at the list of QROPS that is
available on the Department for Work and Pensions Website and note
that there are no schemes listed for Poland. Therefore it looks as
if a transfer may not be possible and then your only option would be
the deferred benefits as per the above."

Wyglada wiec na to, ze nie bede w stanie nic zrobic z tymi
pieniedzmi , tylko czekac az ukoncze 65 lat i wtedy zaczna mi
wyplacac emeryture w wysokosci stosownej do tego co zgromadze +

Niestety nie uda mi sie przetransferowac tych pieniedzy na zaden
fundusz emerytalny w Polsce, bo nie jest na liscie Department for
Work and Pensions Website.,73,1612921,1612921,15,0,praca;w;anglii-;emerytura;w;polsce.html

czyli jedyna opcja przy wczesnym powrocie do PL to transfer z angielskiego funduszu na polskie konto, jesli pracodawca Ci sie doklada to mysle ze taka opcja i tak sie oplaca, jesli myslisz o private pension to chyba warto wtedy porownac z placeniem skladek w PL np na III Filar